Thursday, November 20, 2008

Meltdown in Phd.....

Pink slips overrated ?Every minute we r bombarded with so much info from all the directions that everything seems to be overrated . Yes we know it’s happening. But then a lot of things are happening per minute(or such stats) around the globe.
Does anybody has a DIRECT friend being layoffed (touch wood, fingers crossed and all). Of course everybody has a friend whose friend’s friend is kicked out.
Anyhows, have ur laughs below.
yes , readability is just a click away :P for those who think only hyperinks can do some uddhaar to this civilization.

ps1:Seriouly none.Stop scrolling!


Sastry said...

I wonder if our flow eninge would comeout with a result for this?

Shilpa said...

@S3: U seem to be suffering from severe engine occupational hazard. Anyhows, if u haven’t considered this scenario , then do ! and make engine to evaluate this as well.

Unknown said...


feed this to the flow engine and the poor thing will have a me(n)tal blackout! ;)

Unknown said...

i know that its the worst PJ ever but really couldn't help myself... had to add it here.. hehehe

Shilpa said...

@Kidzo: arent PJ's expected to be worst.....thats wat makes them pjs na?,so relax.