Thursday, November 20, 2008

Meltdown in Phd.....

Pink slips overrated ?Every minute we r bombarded with so much info from all the directions that everything seems to be overrated . Yes we know it’s happening. But then a lot of things are happening per minute(or such stats) around the globe.
Does anybody has a DIRECT friend being layoffed (touch wood, fingers crossed and all). Of course everybody has a friend whose friend’s friend is kicked out.
Anyhows, have ur laughs below.
yes , readability is just a click away :P for those who think only hyperinks can do some uddhaar to this civilization.

ps1:Seriouly none.Stop scrolling!

Friday, November 14, 2008

And Finally

We broke up. It has been 2.5 years. Wonderful moments were spent together , thyself shall always cherish them. But then, we both knew, we were growing apart. It’s time to move on. For quite some time it has all been adjustment-compromise-favors-tolerance that kept dragging us in the vicious circles of emotional turbulence. I am stoned now .The inquisitiveness wasn’t off concern , but off prying .How long I could have carried that fake smile and pretended to look blissful with you ?We knew it was a mess , but I kept dragging with a faint hope, that… maybe we can together work this out. Trust me, I tried, u never reciprocated .
Now I am sure , it was all wrong , I was wrong, my choices were wrong , I fell for the wrong, may be u were the best then ( I was blinded), but surely not the most trusted one now.
I was warned ! from outside , from inside . . I was such a fool
You never cared ,did u ?
Took me for granted, dint u?
You were never there when I needed you the most, were u?
I was such a fool.Its hurts .................................................

I was such a fool ……………………….to choose LG m4410 as my-technically-first-mobile

Ps0: Zameen pe leytkey hassney wala smiley.
Ps1:Zorse hasney wala smiley.
Ps2:Zeebh nikalkey chidhane wala smiley aka :P

Battery was replaced , shortcomings were overlooked (I tired, dint I?)
within few months you r back to i-need-more-power-charge-me-every8hours state. endurance has been crossed .
Sorry m4410 , but I am seeing somebody else ……still in the R&D state, but soon will zero in .

ps3:hehehehe wala smiley, maja aya na?

ps4: i knw , we all are attached to our teleephoons , be it bad , be it good.