Saturday, April 11, 2009

Aaj phir se arzz kiya hai

It has been long, since I wrote a nazm and this thought itself germ’s

कुछ अर्ज़ किये हुए काफी दिन होगये
एक लम्बे इंतज़ार में
तन्हाई की भीड़भाड़ में
लगता है मेरे अहसास सो गए

While the post was to contain just below sher .It was made on the fly and dedicated to a friend during one of the farewell feasts.

तेरे जाने पे,
तेरे आने की आस रहेगी
तू दूर रहे या पास
हमेशा ख़ास रहेगी

Waah , Waah !


PS0: I have been trying my best to stay untouched.
PS1: But Bangalore is treating me badly.
PS2: One after the other , life is unfolding it’s brutal surprises on me. One after the other .
PS3: The ground below is shaky and my own self confidence is trembling.
PS4:I hope I fight , I hope to survive.


Unknown said...

Hey GD, first of all thanx for that wonderful sher u had written for me on my farewell dinner..:) that was really grt..
and ya...dodnt worry just give it some time and all will be ok after all its a new place new city and evrything is gve it sometime..:)everything will be fine trust me! wish you all the best and keep writing dodnt let the writer in u go to sleep..:P no matter whoevr the city treats u..keep the sprit of writing alive:)

Yamini said...

You will survive; and not just that, emerge victorius as well. You have the right spirit and attitude for it. Don't let whatever is happening overwhelm you and dampen your spirits.

Shilpa said...

@DQ: welcome!..u knw all i need is some inspiration to continue to write and it shall be there till i die and i promise to continue to write.
Yes time is the biggest healer :)
@MiniY:Hmmm So RH net is working. Thanks 4 support :), ofcourse one shall survive